xHP BMW Gearbox Remaps
BMW Gearbox Flashes
At ecoMax we are here to help you unlock the hidden potential of your Automatic Transmission with our updated Gearbox Maps! Available for over 120 BMW Models with 6 or 8-Speed Transmission, xHP Flashtool is the world’s leading solution for enhancing your Auto Transmission!
We can safely improve the overall performance of your BMW, get access to hidden features and enjoy faster shifts!
Three stages to choose from
Stage 1
The Stage 1 files focus on economy and comfort, by upshifting early in D-Mode and locking up the torque converter sooner, compared to the factory calibrations. MPG gain to be expected (depending on vehicle and driving environment) between 5% and 15%.
– Gear Display in Dash in all modes (where available)
– Early torque converter lock-up
– Shift strategies altered for economy and comfort
– Adapted torque limits for tuned engines
Stage 2
The Stage 2 files are for people who want faster shifts and a more responsive driving experience, but not to sacrifice any comfort.
– Gear display in Dash in all modes (where available)
– Optimized D & S shift points for better acceleration in part and full throttle situations
– Approx. 25% faster shifts overall
– Faster paddle response time
Stage 3
The Stage 3 files are our most sporty calibrations, changing the driving experience totally. While all Stage 3 files retain full comfort and can be used in every daily car, the behaviour changes when switching to S or M. Massively reduced shift times and throttle blips in manual mode show what your auto transmission is capable of. (but never was allowed to do from the factory).
– Gear Display in Dash in all modes (where available)
– Optimized D & S shift points for better acceleration in part and full throttle situations
– Approx. 25% faster shifts in D mode
– Approx. 50% faster shifts in S and M mode
– Rev-Matched downshifting (Throttle-Blip)
– True Manual Mode (no forced upshift at RPM limiter)
– Instant paddle response time
– Torque limits raised to maximum
– Raised line pressure for better holding power!

See xHP Flashtool in Action:
Cost? £349 for any stage remap
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